ICG Benefits

Insurance Companies

New Opportunities

The Affordable Care Act eliminated the payor’s ability to control risk through screening or rate adjustments.

Payors are now dealing with sicker and older member populations.

The best opportunity to manage cost among a population of chronically ill members is to help them better manage their conditions.  

ICG works with the primary care physician to improve the outcomes of the chronically ill through initial and ongoing personally tuned medications.  Those medications address the current clinical needs of the patient, eliminate adverse drug interactions, reduce side effects, and rapidly bring the patients into clinical control of their conditions.  Continued chronic care management adapts the suite of medications to changes in the patient’s clinical conditions.  This helps the patient enjoy a better and more predictable quality of life.  

Cost Savings
Better management of chronic conditions translates directly into reduced hospitalization and care costs.

Recent studies from California and Massachusetts predict annual savings in hospitalization costs of $2500 to $4000 a year for diabetic patients under control (A1c < 7) compared with those whose diabetes is poorly managed (A1c >10).

Contact CeutiCare to find out how you can increase the percentage of your diabetic population who are under control to 50% within 90 days of treatment.  

CeutiCare ICG Delivery Models 

Full Service
CeutiCare hosts the software, provides the manpower, performs the analysis, and delivers the MTM reviews remotely.  This is typically billed on an encounter basis.

Software Only
CeutiCare provides access to a hosted instance of ICG.  The customer supplies the PharmD’s.  There are several billing options based on what is best aligned with the customer’s business model. 

SElf-insured Employers

New Opportunities

Many employers are taking a more active role in the health of their employees.

It is a reasonable way to offer employees better benefits while gaining more control of shared costs.  Employers are able to invest in and implement wellness programs to encourage healthier lifestyles as well as treating illness when it occurs.  

The best opportunity to manage cost among a population of chronically ill employees is to help them better manage their conditions.  

ICG works with the primary care physician to improve the outcomes of the chronically ill through initial and ongoing personally tuned medications.  Those medications address the current clinical needs of the employee, eliminate adverse drug interactions, reduce side effects, and rapidly bring the employees into clinical control of their conditions.  Continued chronic care management adapts the suite of medications to changes in the employee’s clinical conditions.  This helps the employee enjoy a better and more predictable quality of life.